These playbooks/roles in their current state will create all kubernetes nodes on a single host. This is for lab/testing/learning type scenarios.
With some adjustments though this could be used to provision multiple hypervisors, ideally with each running 2 VMs: a control-plane node and a worker node. If you've got the hardware or the cloud budget for that, then lucky you! :smile:
Opnsense provides firewall, routing (including BGP peering to calico nodes), DNS and acts as a HA proxy load balancer to the kubernetes nodes. I'll add [notes]( at some point on how to configure opnsense but it's not something that can be done sensibly with ansible.
Create a vault_password file (chmod 600) under the ansible directory. .gitignore should ensure this doesn't get commited to source control.
Create an ansible vault in your inventory directory tree to hold sensitive variables such as 'ansible_become_pass'. Again .gitignore should ensure this vault file remains only on your workstation.
Check the defaults files for roles carefully. Variables are a scattered mess right now and need to be properly amalgamated.
Ansible roles were written to work on an Arch linux workstation, some tasks are intended to install packages to localhost (such as kubectl) and use pacman modules to do so.
If you encounter problems with these change those tasks to use your relvant package manager module, eg apt or yum.