--- - name: set vm_name ansible.builtin.set_fact: vm_name: "{{ vm_name_prefix }}{{ vm_number }}" - name: debug vm_name ansible.builtin.debug: msg: - "VM name is {{ vm_name }}" - name: list vms community.libvirt.virt: command: list_vms register: vm_list - name: debug vm list ansible.builtin.debug: var: vm_list.list_vms - name: proceed if vm exists when: vm_name in vm_list.list_vms block: - name: shutdown the vm community.libvirt.virt: state: shutdown name: "{{ vm_name }}" - name: delete the firmware vars file ansible.builtin.file: path: "{{ firmware_vhd_pool_dir }}/{{ vm_name }}_VARS.fd" state: absent - name: undefine (delete) the vm community.libvirt.virt: command: undefine name: "{{ vm_name }}" - name: delete the root vhd when: delete_root_vhd ansible.builtin.file: path: "{{ root_vhd_pool_dir }}/{{ vm_name }}_vda.qcow2" state: absent - name: delete the data vhds when: delete_data_vhd ansible.builtin.file: path: "{{ item }}" state: absent with_items: - "{{ containers_vhd_pool_dir }}/{{ vm_name }}_vdb.qcow2" - "{{ data_nvme_vhd_pool_dir }}/{{ vm_name }}_vdc.qcow2" - "{{ data_hdd_vhd_pool_dir }}/{{ vm_name }}_vdd.qcow2"