[Match] Name={{ item.name | regex_replace('^[0-9]*-', '') | regex_replace('\.network', '') }} [Link] ARP={{ item.arp | default(true) }} [Network] DHCP={{ item.dhcp | default(true) }} LinkLocalAddressing=False LLDP={{ item.lldp | default(true) }} {% if item.nameserver is defined and item.nameserver.ipv4 is defined -%} {% for nameserver in item.nameserver.ipv4 -%} DNS={{ nameserver }} {% endfor -%} {% endif -%} {% if item.nameserver is defined and item.nameserver.ipv6 is defined -%} {% for nameserver in item.nameserver.ipv6 -%} DNS={{ nameserver }} {% endfor -%} {% endif -%} {% if item.address is defined %} [Address] {% if item.address.ipv4 is defined -%} {% for address in item.address.ipv4 -%} Address={{ address }} {% endfor -%} {% endif -%} {% if item.address.ipv6 is defined -%} {% for address in item.address.ipv6 -%} Address={{ address }} {% endfor -%} {% endif -%} {% endif -%} {% if item.gateway is defined and item.gateway.ipv4 is defined %} [Route] Destination= Gateway={{ item.gateway.ipv4 }} Scope=global Protocol=static Type=unicast {% endif -%} {% if item.gateway is defined and item.gateway.ipv6 is defined %} [Route] Destination=::/0 Gateway={{ item.gateway.ipv6 }} Protocol=static Type=unicast {% endif -%}