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vsphere-automation-sdk-python/samples/vmc/vm-request-o-matic/vm-request-o-matic - Clean.py
Matt Dreyer 157b3897f1 Initial version of vm-request-o-matic
This is a simple sample application that includes a web form that creates a VM in a VMware Cloud on AWS SDDC.
2018-03-01 15:44:53 -08:00

183 lines
5.8 KiB

Simple web form that creates VMs in a VMware Cloud on AWS SDDC
vCenter API documentation is available at https://code.vmware.com/apis/191/vsphere-automation
Matt Dreyer
August 15, 2017
You can install python 3.6 from https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/
You can install the dependent python packages locally (handy for Lambda) with:
pip install requests -t . --upgrade
pip install simplejson -t . --upgrade
pip install certifi -t . --upgrade
pip install pyvim -t . --upgrade
import requests #need this for Get/Post/Delete
import certifi #need this for HTTPS
import simplejson as json #need this for JSON
import uuid #need this to automatically name newly created VMs
# To use this script you need to create an OAuth Refresh token for your Org
# You can generate an OAuth Refresh Token using the tool at vmc.vmware.com
# https://console.cloud.vmware.com/csp/gateway/portal/#/user/tokens
strAccessKey = "your key goes here"
#where are our service end points
strProdURL = "https://vmc.vmware.com"
strCSPProdURL = "https://console.cloud.vmware.com"
def getAccessToken(myKey):
params = {'refresh_token': myKey}
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
response = requests.post('https://console.cloud.vmware.com/csp/gateway/am/api/auth/api-tokens/authorize', params=params, headers=headers)
json_response = response.json()
access_token = json_response['access_token']
# debug only
# print(response.status_code)
# print(response.json())
return access_token
#-------------------- Figure out which Org we are in
def getTenantID(sessiontoken):
myHeader = {'csp-auth-token' : sessiontoken}
response = requests.get( strProdURL + '/vmc/api/orgs', headers=myHeader)
# debug only
# print(response.status_code)
# print(response.json())
# parse the response to grab our tenant id
jsonResponse = response.json()
strTenant = str(jsonResponse[0]['id'])
#---------------Login to vCenter and get an API token
# this will only work if the MGW firewall rules are configured appropriately
def vCenterLogin(sddcID, tenantid, sessiontoken):
#Get the vCenter details from VMC
myHeader = {'csp-auth-token' : sessiontoken}
myURL = strProdURL + "/vmc/api/orgs/" + tenantid + "/sddcs/" + sddcID
response = requests.get(myURL, headers=myHeader)
jsonResponse = response.json()
vCenterURL = jsonResponse['resource_config']['vc_ip']
vCenterUsername = jsonResponse['resource_config']['cloud_username']
vCenterPassword = jsonResponse['resource_config']['cloud_password']
#Now get an API token from vcenter
myURL = vCenterURL + "rest/com/vmware/cis/session"
response = requests.post(myURL, auth=(vCenterUsername,vCenterPassword))
token = response.json()['value']
vCenterAuthHeader = {'vmware-api-session-id':token}
return(vCenterURL, vCenterAuthHeader)
#------------ Create a VM from an OVF stored in Content Library
def createVM(sddcID, tenantid, sessiontoken, vmID, vmName):
#first we need to get an authentaction token from vCenter
vCenterURL, vCenterAuthHeader = vCenterLogin(sddcID, tenantid, sessiontoken)
#Lets give our cow a name
vmname = vmName + "-" + str(uuid.uuid4())
#now lets create a VM from an OVF template stored in the Content Library
#first we need to create a deployment spec
deploymentspec = { \
"target": { \
"resource_pool_id": "resgroup-55", \
"host_id": "host-31", \
"folder_id": "group-v52" \
}, \
"deployment_spec": { \
"name": vmname, \
"accept_all_EULA": "true", \
"storage_mappings": [ \
{ \
"key": "dont-delete-this-key", \
"value": { \
"type": "DATASTORE", \
"datastore_id": "datastore-61", \
"provisioning": "thin" \
} \
} \
], \
"storage_provisioning": "thin", \
"storage_profile_id": "aa6d5a82-1c88-45da-85d3-3d74b91a5bad", \
} \
print("\nPlease wait, VM deployment is in process....")
myURL = vCenterURL + "rest/com/vmware/vcenter/ovf/library-item/id:" + vmID + "?~action=deploy"
response = requests.post(myURL, headers=vCenterAuthHeader, json=deploymentspec, timeout=None)
if response.status_code == 200:
print("Succesfully created a VM named: " + vmname )
print("Failed to create a VM \n" + response.text)
#---------------- Main ----------------------
def lambda_handler(event, context):
sddcID = "your sddc id goes here"
tenantID = "your tenant id goes here"
#Get our access token
sessiontoken = getAccessToken(strAccessKey)
#get our tenant ID if it wasn't hard coded at the top of the file
if tenantID == "":
tenantID = getTenantID(sessiontoken)
#grab the form input
vmType = event['vmtype']
emailAddress = event['emailaddress']
username = event['username']
vmName = emailAddress
#create a vm based on web form input
print("starting vm creation process for " + vmName)
vmName = createVM(sddcID, tenantID, sessiontoken, vmType, vmName)
print("created vm named: " + vmName)
feedback = "Congratulations, your VM named (" + vmName + ") is ready!"
#testing only
#lambda_handler({'username': 'Matt Dreyer', 'emailaddress': 'matt.dreyer@gmail.com', 'vmtype': '40ff3b8c-f6c7-4aa3-8db8-bb631e16ffae'}, 0)