""" * ******************************************************* * Copyright VMware, Inc. 2013, 2016. All Rights Reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * ******************************************************* * * DISCLAIMER. THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED TO YOU "AS IS" WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. THE AUTHOR SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, * NON-INFRINGEMENT AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. """ __author__ = 'VMware, Inc.' __copyright__ = 'Copyright 2013, 2016, 2017 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.' #Standard library imports. import six.moves.http_client import re from six import PY3 if PY3: from html import escape else: from cgi import escape import sys import time import base64 import hashlib from pyVmomi import ThumbprintMismatchException from uuid import uuid4 from io import BytesIO from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse #Third-party imports. from lxml import etree from OpenSSL import crypto import ssl UTF_8 = 'utf-8' SHA256 = 'sha256' SHA512 = 'sha512' def _extract_certificate(cert): ''' Extract DER certificate/private key from DER/base64-ed DER/PEM string. @type cert: C{str} @param cert: Certificate/private key in one of three supported formats. @rtype: C{str} @return: Certificate/private key in DER (binary ASN.1) format. ''' if not cert: raise IOError('Empty certificate') signature = cert[0] # DER certificate is sequence. ASN.1 sequence is 0x30. if signature == '\x30': return cert # PEM without preamble. Base64-encoded 0x30 is 0x4D. if signature == '\x4D': return base64.b64decode(cert) # PEM with preamble. Starts with '-'. if signature == '-': return base64.b64decode(re.sub('-----[A-Z ]*-----', '', cert)) # Unknown format. raise IOError('Invalid certificate file format') class SoapException(Exception): ''' Exception raised in case of STS request failure. ''' def __init__(self, soap_msg, fault_code, fault_string): ''' Initializer for SoapException. @type soap_msg: C{str} @param soap_msg: the soap fault XML returned by STS @type fault_code: C{str} @param fault_code: The fault code returned by STS. @type fault_string: C{str} @param fault_string: The fault string returned by STS. ''' self._soap_msg = soap_msg self._fault_code = fault_code self._fault_string = fault_string Exception.__init__(self) def __str__(self): ''' Returns the string representation of SoapException. @rtype: C{str} @return: string representation of SoapException ''' return ("SoapException:\nfaultcode: %(_fault_code)s\n" "faultstring: %(_fault_string)s\n" "faultxml: %(_soap_msg)s" % self.__dict__) class SSOHTTPSConnection(six.moves.http_client.HTTPSConnection): ''' An HTTPS class that verifies server's certificate on connect. ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' Initializer. See httplib.HTTPSConnection for other arguments than thumbprint and server_cert. At least one of thumbprint, server_cert should be provided, otherwise server certificate is not validated. @type thumbprint: C(str) @param thumbprint: Expected SHA-1 thumbprint of the server certificate. May be None. @type server_cert: C(str) @param server_cert: File with expected server certificate. May be None. ''' self.server_thumbprint = kwargs.pop('thumbprint') if self.server_thumbprint is not None: self.server_thumbprint = re.sub(':', '', self.server_thumbprint.lower()) server_cert_path = kwargs.pop('server_cert') if server_cert_path is not None: with open(server_cert_path, 'rb') as f: server_cert = f.read().decode(UTF_8) self.server_cert = _extract_certificate(server_cert) else: self.server_cert = None six.moves.http_client.HTTPSConnection.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def _check_cert(self, peerCert): ''' Verify that peer certificate matches one we expect. @type peerCert: C(str) @param peerCert: Server certificate in DER format. @rtype: boolean @return: True if peerCert is acceptable. False otherwise. ''' if self.server_cert is not None: if peerCert != self.server_cert: self.sock.close() self.sock = None raise IOError("Invalid certificate") if self.server_thumbprint is not None: thumbprint = hashlib.sha1(peerCert).hexdigest().lower() # pylint: disable=E1101 if thumbprint != self.server_thumbprint: self.sock.close() self.sock = None raise ThumbprintMismatchException( expected=self.server_thumbprint, actual=thumbprint) def connect(self): ''' Connect method: connects to the remote system, and upon successful connection validates certificate. Throws an exception when something is wrong. See httplib.HTTPSConnection.connect() for details. ''' six.moves.http_client.HTTPSConnection.connect(self) self._check_cert(self.sock.getpeercert(True)) class SsoAuthenticator(object): ''' A class to handle the transport layer communication between the client and the STS service. ''' def __init__(self, sts_url, sts_cert=None, thumbprint=None ): ''' Initializer for SsoAuthenticator. @type sts_url: C{str} @param sts_url: URL for the Security Token Service. Usually obtained by querying Component Manager. @type sts_cert: C{str} @param sts_cert: The file with public key of the Security Token Service. Usually obtained from Component Manager and written to the file. @type thumbprint: C{str} @param thumbprint: The SHA-1 thumbprint of the certificate used by the Security Token Service. It is same thumbprint you can pass to pyVmomi SoapAdapter. ''' self._sts_cert = sts_cert self._sts_url = sts_url self._sts_thumbprint = thumbprint def perform_request(self, soap_message, public_key=None, private_key=None, ssl_context=None): ''' Performs a Holder-of-Key SAML token request using the service user's certificates or a bearer token request using the user credentials. @type soap_message: C{str} @param soap_message: Authentication SOAP request. @type public_key: C{str} @param public_key: File containing the public key for the service user registered with SSO, in PEM format. @type private_key: C{str} @param private_key: File containing the private key for the service user registered with SSO, in PEM format. @type ssl_context: C{ssl.SSLContext} @param ssl_context: SSL context describing the various SSL options. It is only supported in Python 2.7.9 or higher. @rtype: C{str} @return: Response received from the STS after the HoK request. ''' parsed = urlparse(self._sts_url) host = parsed.netloc # pylint: disable=E1101 encoded_message = soap_message.encode(UTF_8) if hasattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context'): # Python 2.7.9 has stronger SSL certificate validation, so we need # to pass in a context when dealing with self-signed certificates. webservice = SSOHTTPSConnection(host=host, key_file=private_key, cert_file=public_key, server_cert=self._sts_cert, thumbprint=self._sts_thumbprint, context=ssl_context) else: # Versions of Python before 2.7.9 don't support # the context parameter, so don't pass it on. webservice = SSOHTTPSConnection(host=host, key_file=private_key, cert_file=public_key, server_cert=self._sts_cert, thumbprint=self._sts_thumbprint) webservice.putrequest("POST", parsed.path, skip_host=True) # pylint: disable=E1101 webservice.putheader("Host", host) webservice.putheader("User-Agent", "VMware/pyVmomi") webservice.putheader("Accept", "text/xml, multipart/related") webservice.putheader("Content-type", "text/xml; charset=\"UTF-8\"") webservice.putheader("Content-length", "%d" % len(encoded_message)) webservice.putheader("Connection", "keep-alive") webservice.putheader("SOAPAction", "http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512/RST/Issue") webservice.endheaders() webservice.send(encoded_message) saml_response = webservice.getresponse() if saml_response.status != 200: faultraw = saml_response.read() # Hopefully it is utf-8 or us-ascii, not Apache error message in Shift-JIS. fault = faultraw.decode(UTF_8) # Best effort at figuring out a SOAP fault. if saml_response.status == 500 and fault and 'faultcode' in fault: fault_xml = etree.fromstring(faultraw) parsed_fault = fault_xml.xpath("//text()") if len(parsed_fault) == 2: raise SoapException(fault, *parsed_fault) raise Exception("Got response %s: %s\n%s" % (saml_response.status, saml_response.msg, fault)) return saml_response.read() def get_bearer_saml_assertion(self, username, password, public_key=None, private_key=None, request_duration=60, token_duration=600, delegatable=False, renewable=False, ssl_context=None): ''' Extracts the assertion from the Bearer Token received from the Security Token Service. @type username: C{str} @param username: Username for the user for which bearer token needs to be requested. @type password: C{str} @param password: Password for the user for which bearer token needs to be requested. @type public_key: C{str} @param public_key: File containing the public key for the service user registered with SSO, in PEM format. @type private_key: C{str} @param private_key: File containing the private key for the service user registered with SSO, in PEM format. @type request_duration: C{long} @param request_duration: The duration for which the request is valid. If the STS receives this request after this duration, it is assumed to have expired. The duration is in seconds and the default is 60s. @type token_duration: C{long} @param token_duration: The duration for which the SAML token is issued for. The duration is specified in seconds and the default is 600s. @type delegatable: C{boolean} @param delegatable: Whether the generated token is delegatable or not The default value is False @type ssl_context: C{ssl.SSLContext} @param ssl_context: SSL context describing the various SSL options. It is only supported in Python 2.7.9 or higher. @rtype: C{str} @return: The SAML assertion in Unicode. ''' request = SecurityTokenRequest(username=username, password=password, public_key=public_key, private_key=private_key, request_duration=request_duration, token_duration=token_duration) soap_message = request.construct_bearer_token_request( delegatable=delegatable, renewable=renewable) bearer_token = self.perform_request(soap_message, public_key, private_key, ssl_context) return etree.tostring( _extract_element(etree.fromstring(bearer_token), 'Assertion', {'saml2': "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion"}), pretty_print=False).decode(UTF_8) def _get_gss_soap_response(self, binary_token, request_duration=60, token_duration=600, delegatable=False, renewable=False, ssl_context=None): ''' Extracts the assertion from the Bearer Token received from the Security Token Service using the binary token generated using either sspi or gss module. @type binary_token: C{str} @param binary_token: The security token in base64 encoded format @type request_duration: C{long} @param request_duration: The duration for which the request is valid. If the STS receives this request after this duration, it is assumed to have expired. The duration is in seconds and the default is 60s. @type token_duration: C{long} @param token_duration: The duration for which the SAML token is issued for. The duration is specified in seconds and the default is 600s. @type delegatable: C{boolean} @param delegatable: Whether the generated token is delegatable or not The default value is False @type renewable: C{boolean} @param renewable: Whether the generated token is renewable or not The default value is False @type ssl_context: C{ssl.SSLContext} @param ssl_context: SSL context describing the various SSL options. It is only supported in Python 2.7.9 or higher. @rtype: C{str} @return: The SAML assertion. ''' request = SecurityTokenRequest(request_duration=request_duration, token_duration=token_duration, gss_binary_token=binary_token) soap_message = request.construct_bearer_token_request_with_binary_token( delegatable=delegatable, renewable=renewable) return self.perform_request(soap_message, ssl_context=ssl_context) def _get_bearer_saml_assertion_win(self, request_duration=60, token_duration=600, delegatable=False, renewable=False, ssl_context=None): ''' Extracts the assertion from the Bearer Token received from the Security Token Service using the SSPI module. @type request_duration: C{long} @param request_duration: The duration for which the request is valid. If the STS receives this request after this duration, it is assumed to have expired. The duration is in seconds and the default is 60s. @type token_duration: C{long} @param token_duration: The duration for which the SAML token is issued for. The duration is specified in seconds and the default is 600s. @type delegatable: C{boolean} @param delegatable: Whether the generated token is delegatable or not The default value is False @type renewable: C{boolean} @param renewable: Whether the generated token is renewable or not The default value is False @type ssl_context: C{ssl.SSLContext} @param ssl_context: SSL context describing the various SSL options. It is only supported in Python 2.7.9 or higher. @rtype: C{str} @return: The SAML assertion. ''' import sspi, win32api spn = "sts/%s.com" % win32api.GetDomainName() sspiclient = sspi.ClientAuth("Kerberos", targetspn=spn) in_buf = None err = True # The following will keep running unless we receive a saml token or an error while True: err, out_buf = sspiclient.authorize(in_buf) sectoken = base64.b64encode(out_buf[0].Buffer) soap_response = self._get_gss_soap_response(sectoken, request_duration, token_duration, delegatable, renewable, ssl_context) et = etree.fromstring(soap_response) try: # Check if we have received a challenge token from the server element = _extract_element(et, 'BinaryExchange', {'ns': "http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512"}) negotiate_token = element.text out_buf[0].Buffer = base64.b64decode(negotiate_token) in_buf = out_buf except KeyError: # Response does not contain the negotiate token. # It should contain SAML token then. saml_token = etree.tostring( _extract_element( et, 'Assertion', {'saml2': "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion"}), pretty_print=False).decode(UTF_8) break return saml_token def _get_bearer_saml_assertion_lin(self, request_duration=60, token_duration=600, delegatable=False, renewable=False): ''' Extracts the assertion from the Bearer Token received from the Security Token Service using kerberos. @type request_duration: C{long} @param request_duration: The duration for which the request is valid. If the STS receives this request after this duration, it is assumed to have expired. The duration is in seconds and the default is 60s. @type token_duration: C{long} @param token_duration: The duration for which the SAML token is issued for. The duration is specified in seconds and the default is 600s. @type delegatable: C{boolean} @param delegatable: Whether the generated token is delegatable or not The default value is False @type renewable: C{boolean} @param renewable: Whether the generated token is renewable or not The default value is False @rtype: C{str} @return: The SAML assertion in Unicode. ''' import kerberos, platform service = 'host@%s' % platform.node() _, context = kerberos.authGSSClientInit(service, 0) challenge = '' # The following will keep running unless we receive a saml token or an error while True: # Call GSS step result = kerberos.authGSSClientStep(context, challenge) if result < 0: break sectoken = kerberos.authGSSClientResponse(context) soap_response = self._get_gss_soap_response(sectoken, request_duration, token_duration, delegatable, renewable) et = etree.fromstring(soap_response) try: # Check if we have received a challenge token from the server element = _extract_element(et, 'BinaryExchange', {'ns': "http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512"}) negotiate_token = element.text challenge = negotiate_token except KeyError: # Response does not contain the negotiate token. # It should contain SAML token then. saml_token = etree.tostring( _extract_element( et, 'Assertion', {'saml2': "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion"}), pretty_print=False).decode(UTF_8) break return saml_token def get_bearer_saml_assertion_gss_api(self, request_duration=60, token_duration=600, delegatable=False, renewable=False): ''' Extracts the assertion from the Bearer Token received from the Security Token Service using the GSS API. @type request_duration: C{long} @param request_duration: The duration for which the request is valid. If the STS receives this request after this duration, it is assumed to have expired. The duration is in seconds and the default is 60s. @type token_duration: C{long} @param token_duration: The duration for which the SAML token is issued for. The duration is specified in seconds and the default is 600s. @type delegatable: C{boolean} @param delegatable: Whether the generated token is delegatable or not The default value is False @type renewable: C{boolean} @param renewable: Whether the generated token is renewable or not The default value is False @rtype: C{str} @return: The SAML assertion. ''' if sys.platform == "win32": saml_token = self._get_bearer_saml_assertion_win(request_duration, token_duration, delegatable, renewable) else: raise Exception("Currently, not supported on this platform") ## TODO Remove this exception once SSO supports validation of tickets # generated against host machines # saml_token = self._get_bearer_saml_assertion_lin(request_duration, token_duration, delegatable) return saml_token def get_hok_saml_assertion(self, public_key, private_key, request_duration=60, token_duration=600, act_as_token=None, delegatable=False, renewable=False, ssl_context=None): ''' Extracts the assertion from the response received from the Security Token Service. @type public_key: C{str} @param public_key: File containing the public key for the service user registered with SSO, in PEM format. @type private_key: C{str} @param private_key: File containing the private key for the service user registered with SSO, in PEM format. @type request_duration: C{long} @param request_duration: The duration for which the request is valid. If the STS receives this request after this duration, it is assumed to have expired. The duration is in seconds and the default is 60s. @type token_duration: C{long} @param token_duration: The duration for which the SAML token is issued for. The duration is specified in seconds and the default is 600s. @type act_as_token: C{str} @param act_as_token: Bearer/Hok token which is delegatable @type delegatable: C{boolean} @param delegatable: Whether the generated token is delegatable or not @type renewable: C{boolean} @param renewable: Whether the generated token is renewable or not The default value is False @type ssl_context: C{ssl.SSLContext} @param ssl_context: SSL context describing the various SSL options. It is only supported in Python 2.7.9 or higher. @rtype: C{str} @return: The SAML assertion in Unicode. ''' request = SecurityTokenRequest(public_key=public_key, private_key=private_key, request_duration=request_duration, token_duration=token_duration) soap_message = request.construct_hok_request(delegatable=delegatable, act_as_token=act_as_token, renewable=renewable) hok_token = self.perform_request(soap_message, public_key, private_key, ssl_context) return etree.tostring( _extract_element( etree.fromstring(hok_token), 'Assertion', {'saml2': "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion"}), pretty_print=False).decode(UTF_8) def get_token_by_token(self, hok_token, private_key, request_duration=60, token_duration=600, renewable=False, ssl_context=None): """ Get Hok token by Hok token. @type hok_token: C{str} @param hok_token: Hok token to be used to get another token @type private_key: C{str} @param private_key: File containing the private key for the service user registered with SSO, in PEM format. @type request_duration: C{long} @param request_duration: The duration for which the request is valid. If the STS receives this request after this duration, it is assumed to have expired. The duration is in seconds and the default is 60s. @type token_duration: C{long} @param token_duration: The duration for which the SAML token is issued for. The duration is specified in seconds and the default is 600s. @type renewable: C{boolean} @param renewable: Whether the generated token is renewable or not The default value is False @type ssl_context: C{ssl.SSLContext} @param ssl_context: SSL context describing the various SSL options. It is only supported in Python 2.7.9 or higher. @rtype: C{str} @return: The Hok SAML assertion in Unicode. """ request = SecurityTokenRequest(private_key=private_key, request_duration=request_duration, token_duration=token_duration, hok_token=hok_token) soap_message = request.construct_hok_by_hok_request(renewable=renewable) soap_message = add_saml_context(soap_message, hok_token, private_key) hok_token = self.perform_request(soap_message=soap_message, ssl_context=ssl_context) return etree.tostring( _extract_element( etree.fromstring(hok_token), 'Assertion', {'saml2': "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion"}), pretty_print=False).decode(UTF_8) class SecurityTokenRequest(object): ''' SecurityTokenRequest class handles the serialization of request to the STS for a SAML token. ''' #pylint: disable=R0902 def __init__(self, username=None, password=None, public_key=None, private_key=None, request_duration=60, token_duration=600, gss_binary_token=None, hok_token=None): ''' Initializer for the SecurityToken Request class. @type username: C{str} @param username: Username for the user for which bearer token needs to be requested. @type password: C{str} @param password: Password for the user for which bearer token needs to be requested. @type public_key: C{str} @param public_key: The file containing the public key of the service account requesting the SAML token. @type private_key: C{str} @param private_key: The file containing the private key of the service account requesting the SAML token. @type request_duration: C{long} @param request_duration: The duration for which the request is valid. If the STS receives this request after this duration, it is assumed to have expired. The duration is specified in seconds and default is 60s. @type token_duration: C{long} @param token_duraiton: The duration for which the SAML token is issued for. The duration is specified in seconds and the default is 600s. ''' self._timestamp_id = _generate_id() self._signature_id = _generate_id() self._request_id = _generate_id() self._security_token_id = _generate_id() current = time.time() self._created = time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT, time.gmtime(current)) self._expires = time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT, time.gmtime(current + token_duration)) self._request_expires = time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT, time.gmtime(current + request_duration)) self._timestamp = TIMESTAMP_TEMPLATE % self.__dict__ self._username = escape(username) if username else username self._password = escape(password) if password else password self._public_key_file = public_key self._private_key_file = private_key self._act_as_token = None self._renewable = str(False).lower() self._delegatable = str(False).lower() self._use_key = "" self._private_key = None self._binary_exchange = None self._public_key = None if gss_binary_token: self._binary_exchange = BINARY_EXCHANGE_TEMPLATE % gss_binary_token #The following are populated later. Set to None here to keep in-line #with PEP8. self._binary_security_token = None self._hok_token = hok_token self._key_type = None self._security_token = None self._signature_text = None self._signature = None self._signed_info = None self._timestamp_digest = None self._signature_value = None self._xml_text = None self._xml = None self._request_digest = None #These will only be populated if requesting an HoK token. if self._private_key_file: with open(self._private_key_file) as fp: self._private_key = fp.read() if self._public_key_file: with open(self._public_key_file) as fp: self._public_key = fp.read() def construct_bearer_token_request(self, delegatable=False, renewable=False): ''' Constructs the actual Bearer token SOAP request. @type delegatable: C{boolean} @param delegatable: Whether the generated token is delegatable or not @type renewable: C{boolean} @param renewable: Whether the generated token is renewable or not The default value is False @rtype: C{str} @return: Bearer token SOAP request. ''' self._key_type = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512/Bearer" self._security_token = USERNAME_TOKEN_TEMPLATE % self.__dict__ self._delegatable = str(delegatable).lower() self._renewable = str(renewable).lower() return _canonicalize(REQUEST_TEMPLATE % self.__dict__) def construct_bearer_token_request_with_binary_token(self, delegatable=False, renewable=False): ''' Constructs the actual Bearer token SOAP request using the binary exchange GSS/SSPI token. @type delegatable: C{boolean} @param delegatable: Whether the generated token is delegatable or not @type renewable: C{boolean} @param renewable: Whether the generated token is renewable or not The default value is False @rtype: C{str} @return: Bearer token SOAP request. ''' self._key_type = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512/Bearer" self._delegatable = str(delegatable).lower() self._renewable = str(renewable).lower() return _canonicalize(GSS_REQUEST_TEMPLATE % self.__dict__) def construct_hok_request(self, delegatable=False, act_as_token=None, renewable=False): ''' Constructs the actual HoK token SOAP request. @type delegatable: C{boolean} @param delegatable: Whether the generated token is delegatable or not @type act_as_token: C{str} @param act_as_token: Bearer/Hok token which is delegatable @type renewable: C{boolean} @param renewable: Whether the generated token is renewable or not The default value is False @rtype: C{str} @return: HoK token SOAP request in Unicode. ''' self._binary_security_token = base64.b64encode( _extract_certificate(self._public_key)).decode(UTF_8) self._use_key = USE_KEY_TEMPLATE % self.__dict__ self._security_token = BINARY_SECURITY_TOKEN_TEMPLATE % self.__dict__ self._key_type = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512/PublicKey" self._renewable = str(renewable).lower() self._delegatable = str(delegatable).lower() self._act_as_token = act_as_token if act_as_token is None: self._xml_text = _canonicalize(REQUEST_TEMPLATE % self.__dict__) else: self._xml_text = ACTAS_REQUEST_TEMPLATE % self.__dict__ self.sign_request() return etree.tostring(self._xml, pretty_print=False).decode(UTF_8) def construct_hok_by_hok_request(self, renewable=False): """ @type renewable: C{boolean} @param renewable: Whether the generated token is renewable or not The default value is False @rtype: C{str} @return: HoK token SOAP request in Unicode. """ self._renewable = str(renewable).lower() self._key_type = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512/PublicKey" return _canonicalize(REQUEST_TEMPLATE_TOKEN_BY_TOKEN) % self.__dict__ def sign_request(self): ''' Calculates the signature to the header of the SOAP request which can be used by the STS to verify that the SOAP message originated from a trusted service. ''' base_xml = etree.fromstring(self._xml_text) request_tree = _extract_element(base_xml, 'Body', {'SOAP-ENV': "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"}) request = _canonicalize(etree.tostring(request_tree)) request_tree = _extract_element(base_xml, 'Timestamp', {'ns3': "http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd"}) timestamp = _canonicalize(etree.tostring(request_tree)) self._request_digest = _make_hash(request.encode(UTF_8)).decode(UTF_8) # pylint: disable=W0612 self._timestamp_digest = _make_hash(timestamp.encode(UTF_8)).decode(UTF_8) # pylint: disable=W0612 self._algorithm = SHA256 self._signed_info = _canonicalize(SIGNED_INFO_TEMPLATE % self.__dict__) self._signature_value = _sign(self._private_key, self._signed_info).decode(UTF_8) self._signature_text = _canonicalize(SIGNATURE_TEMPLATE % self.__dict__) self.embed_signature() def embed_signature(self): ''' Embeds the signature in to the header of the SOAP request. ''' self._xml = etree.fromstring(self._xml_text) security = _extract_element(self._xml, 'Security', {'ns6': "http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd"}) self._signature = etree.fromstring(self._signature_text) security.append(self._signature) self._xml_text = etree.tostring(self._xml).decode(UTF_8) def add_saml_context(serialized_request, saml_token, private_key_file): ''' A helper method provided to sign the outgoing LoginByToken requests with the HoK token. @type serialized_request: C{str} @param serialized_request: SOAP request which needs to be signed. @type saml_token: C{str} @param saml_token: SAML assertion that will be added to the SOAP request. @type private_key_file: C{str} @param private_key_file: Private key of the service user that will be used to sign the request, in PEM format. @rtype: C{str} @return: signed SOAP request in Unicode. ''' with open(private_key_file) as fp: private_key = fp.read() xml = etree.fromstring(serialized_request) value_map = {} value_map['_request_id'] = _generate_id() request_body = _extract_element(xml, 'Body', {'soapenv': "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"}) request_body.nsmap["wsu"] = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd" request_body.set("{http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd}Id", value_map['_request_id']) value_map['_request_digest'] = _make_hash_sha512( _canonicalize(etree.tostring(request_body)) .encode(UTF_8)).decode(UTF_8) security = _extract_element(xml, 'Security', {'ns6': "http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd"}) current = time.time() value_map['_created'] = time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT, time.gmtime(current)) value_map['_request_expires'] = time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT, time.gmtime(current + 600)) value_map['_timestamp_id'] = _generate_id() timestamp = _canonicalize(TIMESTAMP_TEMPLATE % value_map) value_map['_timestamp_digest'] = _make_hash_sha512( timestamp.encode(UTF_8)).decode(UTF_8) security.append(etree.fromstring(timestamp)) value_map['_algorithm'] = SHA512 value_map['_signed_info'] = _canonicalize(SIGNED_INFO_TEMPLATE % value_map) value_map['_signature_value'] = _sign(private_key, value_map['_signed_info'], SHA512).decode(UTF_8) value_map['samlId'] = etree.fromstring(saml_token).get("ID") signature = etree.fromstring(_canonicalize(REQUEST_SIGNATURE_TEMPLATE % value_map)) security.append(signature) return etree.tostring(xml, pretty_print=False).decode(UTF_8) def _generate_id(): ''' An internal helper method to generate UUIDs. @rtype: C{str} @return: UUID ''' return "_%s" % uuid4() def _load_private_key(der_key): ''' An internal helper to load private key. @type der_key: C{str} @param der_key: The private key, in DER format. @rtype: crypto.privatekey @return: Loaded private key. ''' # OpenSSL 0.9.8 does not handle correctly PKCS8 keys passed in DER format # (only PKCS1 keys are understood in DER format). # Unencrypted PKCS8, or PKCS1 for OpenSSL 1.0.1, PKCS1 for OpenSSL 0.9.8 try: return crypto.load_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1, der_key, '') except (crypto.Error, ValueError): pass # Unencrypted PKCS8 for OpenSSL 0.9.8, and PKCS1, just in case... for key_type in ('PRIVATE KEY', 'RSA PRIVATE KEY'): try: return crypto.load_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, '-----BEGIN ' + key_type + '-----\n' + base64.encodestring(der_key).decode(UTF_8) + '-----END ' + key_type + '-----\n', b'') except (crypto.Error, ValueError): pass # We could try 'ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY' here - but we do not know passphrase. raise def _sign(private_key, data, digest=SHA256): ''' An internal helper method to sign the 'data' with the 'private_key'. @type private_key: C{str} @param private_key: The private key used to sign the 'data', in one of supported formats. @type data: C{str} @param data: The data that needs to be signed. @type digest: C{str} @param digest: Digest is a str naming a supported message digest type, for example 'sha256'. @rtype: C{str} @return: Signed string. ''' # Convert private key in arbitrary format into DER (DER is binary format # so we get rid of \n / \r\n differences, and line breaks in PEM). pkey = _load_private_key(_extract_certificate(private_key)) return base64.b64encode(crypto.sign(pkey, data, digest)) def _canonicalize(xml_string): ''' Given an xml string, canonicalize the string per U{http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#} @type xml_string: C{str} @param xml_string: The XML string that needs to be canonicalized. @rtype: C{str} @return: Canonicalized string in Unicode. ''' parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True) tree = etree.fromstring(xml_string, parser=parser).getroottree() string = BytesIO() tree.write_c14n(string, exclusive=True, with_comments=False) return string.getvalue().decode(UTF_8) def _extract_element(xml, element_name, namespace): ''' An internal method provided to extract an element from the given XML. @type xml: C{str} @param xml: The XML string from which the element will be extracted. @type element_name: C{str} @param element_name: The element that needs to be extracted from the XML. @type namespace: dict @param namespace: A dict containing the namespace of the element to be extracted. @rtype: etree element. @return: The extracted element. ''' assert(len(namespace) == 1) result = xml.xpath("//%s:%s" % (list(namespace.keys())[0], element_name), namespaces=namespace) if result: return result[0] else: raise KeyError("%s does not seem to be present in the XML." % element_name) def _make_hash(data): ''' An internal method to calculate the sha256 hash of the data. @type data: C{str} @param data: The data for which the hash needs to be calculated. @rtype: C{str} @return: Base64 encoded sha256 hash. ''' return base64.b64encode(hashlib.sha256(data).digest()) # pylint: disable=E1101 def _make_hash_sha512(data): ''' An internal method to calculate the sha512 hash of the data. @type data: C{str} @param data: The data for which the hash needs to be calculated. @rtype: C{str} @return: Base64 encoded sha512 hash. ''' return base64.b64encode(hashlib.sha512(data).digest()) # pylint: disable=E1101 TIME_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.987Z" #The SAML token requests usually contain an xmldsig which guarantees that the #message hasn't been tampered with during the transport. The following #SIGNED_INFO_TEMPLATE is used to construct the signedinfo part of the signature. SIGNED_INFO_TEMPLATE = """\ %(_request_digest)s %(_timestamp_digest)s """ #The following template is used as the container for signed info in WS-Trust #SOAP requests signed with the SAML token. It contains the digest of the #signed info, signed with the private key of the Solution user and contains a #reference to the actual SAML token which contains the solution user's public #key. REQUEST_SIGNATURE_TEMPLATE = """\ %(_signed_info)s %(_signature_value)s %(samlId)s """ #The following template is used as a signed info container for the actual SAML #token requests requesting a SAML token. It contains the digest of the signed #info signed with the Service User's private key. SIGNATURE_TEMPLATE = """\ %(_signed_info)s %(_signature_value)s """ #The following template is used to construct the token requests to the STS. REQUEST_TEMPLATE = """\ %(_timestamp)s %(_security_token)s urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512/Issue %(_created)s %(_expires)s %(_delegatable)s %(_key_type)s http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256%(_use_key)s """ #The following template is used to construct the token-by-token requests to the STS. REQUEST_TEMPLATE_TOKEN_BY_TOKEN = """\ %(_hok_token)s urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512/Issue %(_created)s %(_expires)s %(_delegatable)s %(_key_type)s http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256 """ GSS_REQUEST_TEMPLATE = """\ %(_timestamp)s urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512/Issue %(_created)s %(_expires)s %(_delegatable)s %(_key_type)s http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256 %(_binary_exchange)s %(_use_key)s """ #Template container for the service user's public key when requesting an HoK #token. BINARY_SECURITY_TOKEN_TEMPLATE = """\ %(_binary_security_token)s """ #Template container for user's credentials when requesting a bearer token. USERNAME_TOKEN_TEMPLATE = """\ %(_username)s %(_password)s """ #Template containing the anchor to the signature. USE_KEY_TEMPLATE = """\ """ #The follwoing template is used to create a timestamp for the various messages. #The timestamp is used to indicate the duration of the request itself. TIMESTAMP_TEMPLATE = """\ %(_created)s%(_request_expires)s""" BINARY_EXCHANGE_TEMPLATE = """\ %s""" ACTAS_REQUEST_TEMPLATE = """%(_created)s%(_request_expires)s%(_binary_security_token)surn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertionhttp://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512/Issue%(_created)s%(_expires)s%(_delegatable)s%(_act_as_token)shttp://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512/PublicKeyhttp://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256"""