[CREATESPEC] specName=testWinSpec1 specDesc=This is a windows customizationSpec created by vAPI [HOSTNAME] # valid types are: FIXED, PREFIX, VIRTUAL_MACHINE, USER_INPUT_REQUIRED hostnameGeneratorType=VIRTUAL_MACHINE # If hostnameGeneratorType is "PREFIX", prefix must be set to some string #prefix='' # If hostnameGeneratorType is "FIXED", fixedName must be set to the hostname string #fixedName='' [WINCONFIG] # valid options are: REBOOT, NO_REBOOT, SHUTDOWN rebootOption=REBOOT productKey= fullName=AComputerNameFull organization=testCome # domain or worgroup, valid type are: WORKGROUP, DOMAIN domainType=WORKGROUP # if type is "WORKGROUP", workgroup field must be set to some workgroup name str # workgroup=WORKGROUP # if type is "DOMAIN", domain name, domainUser, domainPassword should be set # #domain= #domainUser= #domainPass= # valid timezone list: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/973627/microsoft-time-zone-index-values # "2" means "(GMT-10:00) Hawaii # "4" means "(GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US and Canada); Tijuana" # "D2" means "(GMT+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi" timezone=2 # auto logon after customization, if autoLogon is True, then admin password must be set autoLogonCount=0 autoLogon=False # The local Admin password ### WARNING: USE CLEAR TEXT HERE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! ### ### Suggested to use "--win_password" command line option instead ### It will overrid this value here # password=ASecurePass! # optional, TBD # gui_run_once_commands= # optional, TBD # sysprepXml= [NETWORK] ### MacAddress ### # macAddress is optional # macAddress=fc:00:0a:33:22:11 ### IPV4 ### # valid types are: DHCP, STATIC, USER_INPUT_REQUIRED. # If use "STATIC", then must also input "prefix, gateways=None, ip_address=" ## sample DHCP ipv4Type ## #ipv4Type=DHCP ## sample STATIC ipv4Type ## ipv4Type=STATIC ipv4_prefix=31 ipv4_gateways= ipv4_ip= ### IPV6 ### # valid types are: DHCP, STATIC, USER_INPUT_REQUIRED. # If use "STATIC", then must also input "prefix, gateways=None, ip_address=" ## sample DHCP ipv6Type ## #ipv6Type=DHCP ## sample STATIC ipv6Type ## ipv6Type=STATIC ipv6_prefix=128 ipv6_ip=fc00:10:31:11::34 [WINNICS] # Valid values: ENABLE, DISABLE, USE_DHCP netBiosMode=ENABLE dnsServers=, dnsDomain=testabc.com winsServers=, [DNS] dnsServers=, dnsSuffixs=test.abc.com,test2.com