#!/usr/bin/env python """ * ******************************************************* * Copyright (c) VMware, Inc. 2023. All Rights Reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * ******************************************************* * * DISCLAIMER. THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED TO YOU "AS IS" WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. THE AUTHOR SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, * NON-INFRINGEMENT AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. """ __author__ = 'VMware, Inc.' __copyright__ = 'Copyright 2023 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.' __vcenter_version__ = '8.0U2+' import json import requests from vmware.vapi.data.serializers.cleanjson import DataValueConverter from pyVmomi import vim from pyVmomi.SoapAdapter import Serialize, Deserialize from samples.vsphere.common import sample_cli from samples.vsphere.common import sample_util """ Demonstrates conversion of data objects from the JSON based automation runtime to the SOAP based runtime (pyVmomi) and vice versa through the transcoder API, introduced in version ``. The current sample utilizes a `vim.vm.ConfigSpec` managed object, present in bindings of both runtimes. Sample Prerequisites: - vCenter """ class TranscoderStub(object): """ Stub utilized for communicating to the transcoder API. """ def __init__(self, server, session_id, version): self.server = server self.session_id = session_id self.version = version def transcode(self, body, to_json): """ Transcodes and validates the integrity of a JSON or XML serialized data object. Transcoding is available from JSON or XML to JSON or XML for both cases. Transcoding to different encoding types is useful when utilizing the same data objects in a program involving SOAP and JSON based stacks/bindings. """ resp = requests.post(url='https://{}/sdk/vim25/{}/transcoder'.format(self.server, self.version), data=body, headers={'Content-type': 'application/json' if not to_json else 'application/xml', 'Accept': 'application/json' if to_json else 'application/xml', 'vmware-api-session-id': self.session_id}, # alternatively use 'Cookie' header # Skip server cert verification. # This is not recommended in production code. verify=False) return resp.content.decode() def negotiate_version(server, client_desired_versions): """ Invokes the System::Hello API, responsible for negotiating common parameters for API communication. The implementation selects mutually supported version from the choices passed in the request body. """ resp = requests.post(url='https://{}/api/vcenter/system?action=hello'.format(server), json={'api_releases': client_desired_versions}, # Skip server cert verification. # This is not recommended in production code. verify=False) return json.loads(resp.content.decode())['api_release'] def get_session_id(server, username, password, version): """ Login through VI/JSON `SessionManager` API and acquire the `vmware-api-session-id` header. """ resp = requests.post(url='https://{}/sdk/vim25/{}/SessionManager/SessionManager/Login'.format(server, version), json=json.loads('{{"userName":"{}","password":"{}"}}'.format(username, password)), # Skip server cert verification. # This is not recommended in production code. verify=False) return resp.headers.get('vmware-api-session-id') def create_config_spec(datastore_name='datastore1', name='sample-vm', memory=4, guest='guest', annotation='Sample', cpus=1): """ Creates a pyVmomi `vim.vm.ConfigSpec` data object with arbitrarily populated fields. """ config = vim.vm.ConfigSpec() config.annotation = annotation config.memoryMB = int(memory) config.guestId = guest config.name = name config.numCPUs = cpus files = vim.vm.FileInfo() files.vmPathName = '[' + datastore_name + ']' config.files = files return config def convert_pyvmomi_obj_to_automation_dynamic_struct(transcoder, pyvmomi_obj): # Serialize pyVmomi object to XML xml_vm_config = Serialize(pyvmomi_obj) # Transcode XML to JSON json_vm_config = transcoder.transcode(xml_vm_config, to_json=True) print(json_vm_config) # Deserialize JSON to automation DynamicStructure struct_vm_config = DataValueConverter.convert_to_data_value(json_vm_config) print(type(struct_vm_config)) return struct_vm_config def convert_automation_dynamic_struct_to_pyvmomi_obj(transcoder, dynamic_struct): # Serialize DynamicStructure into JSON json_vm_config = DataValueConverter.convert_to_json(dynamic_struct) # Transcode JSON to XML xml_vm_config = transcoder.transcode(json_vm_config, to_json=False) print(xml_vm_config) # Deserialize XML to `vim.vm.ConfigSpec` data object config_vm_xml = Deserialize(xml_vm_config) print(type(config_vm_xml)) if __name__ == '__main__': # Disabling warnings is not recommended in production code. requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() parser = sample_cli.build_arg_parser() args = sample_util.process_cli_args(parser.parse_args()) # Negotiating API release is necessary to use in APIs # utilizing inheritance based polymorphism - such as transcoder API. # Desired version is '' version = negotiate_version(args.server, ['']) session_id = get_session_id(args.server, args.username, args.password, version) transcoder = TranscoderStub(args.server, session_id, version) # Create SOAP vim.vm.ConfigSpec obj pyvmomi_vm_config = create_config_spec() dynamic_struct = convert_pyvmomi_obj_to_automation_dynamic_struct(transcoder, pyvmomi_vm_config) # Demonstrate conversion in the other direction convert_automation_dynamic_struct_to_pyvmomi_obj(transcoder, dynamic_struct)