com.vmware.vcenter.compute.policies.capabilities.vm.placement package


com.vmware.vcenter.compute.policies.capabilities.vm.placement.anti_affinity_with_vcls_client module

The com.vmware.vcenter.compute.policies.capabilities.vm.placement.anti_affinity_with_vcls_client module provides classes for anti-affinity with vSphere Cluster Services (vCLS) VMs capability offered by vCenter.

class com.vmware.vcenter.compute.policies.capabilities.vm.placement.anti_affinity_with_vcls_client.CreateSpec(vm_tag=None, capability='com.vmware.vcenter.compute.policies.capabilities.vm.placement.anti_affinity_with_vcls', name=None, description=None)

Bases: VapiStruct

The CreateSpec class contains information used to create a new anti-affinity with vSphere Cluster Services (vCLS) VMs policy, see com.vmware.vcenter.compute_client.Policies.create(). vSphere Cluster Services (vCLS) VMs are anti-affine with virtual machines that share the tag indicated by CreateSpec.vm_tag.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

  • vm_tag (str) – Identifier of a tag that can be associated with a virtual machine. vSphere Cluster Services (vCLS) VMs are anti-affine with virtual machines that share the tag indicated by CreateSpec.vm_tag. When clients pass a value of this class as a parameter, the attribute must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.cis.tagging.Tag:VirtualMachine. When methods return a value of this class as a return value, the attribute will be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.cis.tagging.Tag:VirtualMachine.

  • capability (str) – Identifier of the capability this policy is based on. When clients pass a value of this class as a parameter, the attribute must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.compute.policies.Capability. When methods return a value of this class as a return value, the attribute will be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.compute.policies.Capability.

  • name (str) – Name of the policy. The name needs to be unique within this vCenter server.

  • description (str) – Description of the policy.

property capability

Return the discriminator value

class com.vmware.vcenter.compute.policies.capabilities.vm.placement.anti_affinity_with_vcls_client.Info(vm_tag=None, name=None, description=None, capability='com.vmware.vcenter.compute.policies.capabilities.vm.placement.anti_affinity_with_vcls')

Bases: VapiStruct

The Info class contains information about anti-affinity with vSphere Cluster Services (vCLS) VMs policy, see com.vmware.vcenter.compute_client.Policies.get(). vSphere Cluster Services (vCLS) VMs are anti-affine with virtual machines that share the tag indicated by Info.vm_tag.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

  • vm_tag (str) – Identifier of a tag that can be associated with a virtual machine. vSphere Cluster Services (vCLS) VMs are anti-affine with virtual machines that share the tag indicated by Info.vm_tag. When clients pass a value of this class as a parameter, the attribute must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.cis.tagging.Tag:VirtualMachine. When methods return a value of this class as a return value, the attribute will be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.cis.tagging.Tag:VirtualMachine.

  • name (str) – Name of the policy.

  • description (str) – Description of the policy.

  • capability (str) – Identifier of the capability this policy is based on. When clients pass a value of this class as a parameter, the attribute must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.compute.policies.Capability. When methods return a value of this class as a return value, the attribute will be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.compute.policies.Capability.

property capability

Return the discriminator value

class com.vmware.vcenter.compute.policies.capabilities.vm.placement.anti_affinity_with_vcls_client.StubFactory(stub_config)

Bases: StubFactoryBase

Initialize StubFactoryBase


stub_config (vmware.vapi.bindings.stub.StubConfiguration) – Stub config instance