lib Package

lib Package

addr_url_parser Module

vAPI configuration addr url parser


Get the scheme from the url (as described in

Parameters:url (str) – The addr url to parse
Return type:str
Returns:url scheme

Parse addr url (as described in Note: This fn make no attempt to unescape the url, just like the urlparse

Parameters:url (str) – The addr url to parse
Return type:tuple of (scheme, host, port, user, password, path, query_dict) where scheme: url scheme host: hostname port: query_dict is a dictionary of (name, [values])
Returns:Parsed addr url

connect Module

vAPI Connection factory


Check if name is a file and exists

:type str :param file name

vmware.vapi.lib.connect.get_connector(rpc_provider_name, msg_protocol, ssl_context=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create a connection to the vAPI Provider using the specified arguments

  • rpc_provider_name (str) – The RPC provider to be used for the connection. Valid values are ‘http’, ‘https’ and ‘requests’
  • msg_protocol (str) – The message protocol to be used for the connection. Valid values are ‘json’.
  • ssl_context (OpenSSL.SSL.Context) – SSL context to use for SSL connections
  • kwargs – Additional arguments for the RPC provider
Return type:



Connection to the vAPI provider

vmware.vapi.lib.connect.get_requests_connector(session, msg_protocol='json', url=None, timeout=None, pool_size=8)[source]

Create a connection that uses ‘requests’ library for http(s) connections to a vAPI Provider.

  • session (requests.Session) – Session object
  • msg_protocol (str) – Message protocol to be used for the connection. Valid values are ‘json’.
  • url (str) – HTTP(S) URL to be used
  • timeout (int) – Request timeout
  • pool_size (int) – Connection pool size to be used
Return type:



Connection to the vAPI provider

vmware.vapi.lib.connect.get_requests_hok_connector(session, msg_protocol='json', url=None, timeout=None, pool_size=8)[source]

Create a connection that uses SAML Hok based authentication using ‘requests’ library to connect to a vAPI Provider.

  • session (requests.Session) – Session object
  • msg_protocol (str) – Message protocol to be used for the connection. Valid values are ‘json’.
  • url (str) – HTTP(S) URL to be used
  • timeout (int) – Request timeout
  • pool_size (int) – Connection pool size to be used
Return type:



Connection to the vAPI provider

vmware.vapi.lib.connect.get_saml_hok_connector(rpc_provider_name, msg_protocol='json', ssl_context=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create a connection that uses SAML Hok based authentication to connect to a vAPI Provider

  • rpc_provider_name (str) – The RPC provider to be used for the connection. Valid values are ‘http’, ‘https’ or ‘requests’
  • msg_protocol (str) – The message protocol to be used for the connection. Valid values are ‘json’.
  • ssl_context (OpenSSL.SSL.Context) – SSL context to use for SSL connections
  • kwargs (dict of str and object) – Additional arguments for the RPC provider
Return type:



Connection to the vAPI provider

constants Module

String Constants used in vAPI runtime

class vmware.vapi.lib.constants.Introspection[source]

Bases: object

String constants used in introsection service

DATA_DEFINITION = 'com.vmware.vapi.std.introspection.operation.data_definition'
OPERATION_SVC = 'com.vmware.vapi.std.introspection.operation'
PACKAGE = 'com.vmware.vapi.std.introspection'
PROVIDER_SVC = 'com.vmware.vapi.std.introspection.provider'
SERVICE_SVC = 'com.vmware.vapi.std.introspection.service'

context Module

Factory methods for creating application context


Create a default application context. The created context will only have opId.

Return type:vmware.vapi.core.ApplicationContext
Returns:Newly created application context

converter Module

Convenience methods for converting variable names

class vmware.vapi.lib.converter.Converter[source]

Bases: object

Convenience methods for converting variable names

static canonical_to_pep(name)[source]

Converts the argument from vAPI canonical format to PEP8 compliant parameter or attribute name

Parameters:name (str) – The string to be converted
Return type:str
Returns:The converted string
static capitalize(name)[source]

Capitalize the first letter of the name

Parameters:name (str) – name to be converted
Return type:str
Returns:name with first letter capitalized
static capwords_to_underscore(name)[source]

Convert from CapWords to lower_case_with_underscore format

Parameters:name (str) – name in CapWords format
Return type:str
Returns:name in lower_case_with_underscore format
static mixedcase_to_underscore(name)[source]

Convert from mixedCase to lower_case_with_underscore format

Parameters:name (str) – name in mixedCase format
Return type:str
Returns:name in lower_case_with_underscore format
static pepify(name)[source]

Converts the argument into a name that conforms to PEP8 standard. i.e. lower_case_with_underscore

Parameters:name (str) – The string to be converted
Return type:str
Returns:The converted string
static uncapitalize(name)[source]

Uncapitalize the first letter of the name

Parameters:name (str) – name to be converted
Return type:str
Returns:name with first letter uncapitalized
static underscore_to_capwords(name)[source]

Convert from lower_case_with_underscore to CapWords format

Parameters:name (str) – name in lower_case_with_underscore
Return type:str
Returns:name in CapWords
static underscore_to_mixedcase(name)[source]

Convert from lower_case_with_underscore to mixedCase format

Parameters:name (str) – name in lower_case_with_underscore
Return type:str
Returns:name in mixedCase
static unreserve_name(name)[source]

Converts the argument if it clashes with a python keyword. If the string matches a keyword, adds a trailing underscore, else it returns the same string

Parameters:name (str) – The string to be converted
Return type:str
Returns:The converted string

fingerprint Module

Fingerprint related functions


Generate fingerprint for the given data

Return type:str
Returns:fingerprint of the given data

jsonlib Module

JSON encoder for double values

class vmware.vapi.lib.jsonlib.DecimalEncoder(skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, sort_keys=False, indent=None, separators=None, encoding='utf-8', default=None)[source]

Bases: json.encoder.JSONEncoder

Class that adds capability of encoding decimal in JSON

Constructor for JSONEncoder, with sensible defaults.

If skipkeys is False, then it is a TypeError to attempt encoding of keys that are not str, int, long, float or None. If skipkeys is True, such items are simply skipped.

If ensure_ascii is True, the output is guaranteed to be str objects with all incoming unicode characters escaped. If ensure_ascii is false, the output will be unicode object.

If check_circular is True, then lists, dicts, and custom encoded objects will be checked for circular references during encoding to prevent an infinite recursion (which would cause an OverflowError). Otherwise, no such check takes place.

If allow_nan is True, then NaN, Infinity, and -Infinity will be encoded as such. This behavior is not JSON specification compliant, but is consistent with most JavaScript based encoders and decoders. Otherwise, it will be a ValueError to encode such floats.

If sort_keys is True, then the output of dictionaries will be sorted by key; this is useful for regression tests to ensure that JSON serializations can be compared on a day-to-day basis.

If indent is a non-negative integer, then JSON array elements and object members will be pretty-printed with that indent level. An indent level of 0 will only insert newlines. None is the most compact representation.

If specified, separators should be a (item_separator, key_separator) tuple. The default is (‘, ‘, ‘: ‘). To get the most compact JSON representation you should specify (‘,’, ‘:’) to eliminate whitespace.

If specified, default is a function that gets called for objects that can’t otherwise be serialized. It should return a JSON encodable version of the object or raise a TypeError.

If encoding is not None, then all input strings will be transformed into unicode using that encoding prior to JSON-encoding. The default is UTF-8.


Canonicalize double based on XML schema double canonical format

The exponent must be indicated by “E”. Leading zeroes and the preceding optional “+” sign are prohibited in the exponent. If the exponent is zero, it must be indicated by “E0”. For the mantissa, the preceding optional “+” sign is prohibited and the decimal point is required. Leading and trailing zeroes are prohibited subject to the following: number representations must be normalized such that there is a single digit which is non-zero to the left of the decimal point and at least a single digit to the right of the decimal point unless the value being represented is zero. The canonical representation for zero is 0.0E0

Parameters:o (decimal.Decimal) – Decimal object to be canonicalized
Return type:str
Returns:Canonical string representation of the decimal

load Module

Convenience methods for dynamic loading


Dynamically import a module and get the specified module attribute

Parameters:constructor (str) – Fully qualified module attribute
Return type:object
Returns:Python object
vmware.vapi.lib.load.import_multiple_classes(section, property_key)[source]

Import multiple class names provided in the config file

  • section (str) – Name of the section in the config file
  • property_key (str) – Name of the property in the config file
Return type:

list of str


List of class references

log Module

profiler Module

Convenience methods for loading the profiler


Mock decorator that is used when the PROFILER is not set


Mock decorator that is used when the PROFILER is not set

ssl Module

SSL Context factories

class vmware.vapi.lib.ssl.ClientContextFactory[source]

Bases: object

Context factory base class. This class should be used to set the SSL options


Returns the SSL context

class vmware.vapi.lib.ssl.DefaultClientContextFactory(certificate=None, private_key=None, ca_certs=None, ca_certs_dir=None)[source]

Bases: vmware.vapi.lib.ssl.ClientContextFactory

Default SSL context class. This chooses some default options for SSL context. Clients can retrieve the context.

To modify the context and set some options directly. Create a class like below and set the options. Pass this to the get_connector function

class CustomClientContextFactory(DefaultClientContextFactory):
def get_context(self):
ctx = DefaultClientContextFactory.get_context(self) # modify ctx return ctx

Initialize DefaultClientContextFactory

  • certificate (str) – File path of the certificate
  • private_key (str) – File path of the private key
  • ca_certs (str) – File path of ca certificates
  • ca_certs_dir (str) – Directory prepared using the c_rehash tool included with OpenSSL

Returns the SSL context

Return type:OpenSSL.SSL.Context
Returns:SSL context
class vmware.vapi.lib.ssl.UnverifiedClientContextFactory[source]

Bases: vmware.vapi.lib.ssl.DefaultClientContextFactory

Unverified SSL context class. This class retrieves an unverified SSL Context with other options from the DefaultClientContext

std Module

Helper functions for manipulating vAPI runtime objects corresponding to the standard types (e.g. LocalizableMessage) and errors

vmware.vapi.lib.std.make_error_value_from_error_value_and_msgs(error_def, cause, *msg_list)[source]

Create an error result for a “standard” error from a cause ErrorValue and an list of messages.

The list of message will be prepended to the messages from the cause (if any).

Return type:


ErrorValue containing a single message

vmware.vapi.lib.std.make_error_value_from_msg_id(error_def, msg_id, *args)[source]

Create an error result for a “standard” error

  • error_def ( – ErrorDefintion for the error
  • msg_id (str) – Message identifier
  • args (list of str) – Argument list for constructing a Message
Return type:


ErrorValue containing a single message

vmware.vapi.lib.std.make_error_value_from_msgs(error_def, *msg_list)[source]

Create an error result for a “standard” error

  • error_def ( – ErrorDefintion for the error
  • msg_list (list of vmware.vapi.message.Message) – list of localizable messages
Return type:


ErrorValue containing a single message


Internal function to create a “standard” ErrorDefinition for use only by the vAPI runtime. :type name: str :param args: Fully qualified name of the standard error type :rtype: :return: ErrorDefinition containing a single message field

thread_pool Module

This module is YATP (Yet another thread pool)

class vmware.vapi.lib.thread_pool.ThreadPool(min_workers=1, max_workers=8, idle_timeout=300, logger=None)[source]

Bases: object

Thread pool

Thread pool constructor

Params min_workers:
 Min number of worker threads
Params max_workers:
 Max number of worker threads
Params idle_timeout:
 Worker threads idle timeout
Params logger:logger to use. Default to stdout
static normalize_works(works)[source]

Generator to return work in normalize form: (fn, args, kwargs)

Parameters:works (iteratable of fn / (fn, args) / (fn, args, kwargs)) – An iteratable of possible functor form
Return type:tuple of (fn, args, kwargs)
Returns:A normalize tuple of (functor, args, kwargs)
queue_work(fn, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Queue work

Returns a work_item when work is queued to work queue The work will start when a ready worker is available to process the work User could call {work_item}.join() to wait for the work item to finish

  • fn (function) – Work item functor
  • args (tuple) – Work item functor positional parameters
  • kwargs (dict) – Work item functor key-value parameters
Return type:



work item when work is queued to work queue

queue_work_and_wait(fn, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Queue a work and wait until the work is completed / error out

  • fn (function) – Work item functor
  • args (tuple) – Work item functor positional parameters
  • kwargs (dict) – Work item functor key-value parameters
Return type:

tuple of (bool, object) or (bool, Exception)


(True, return val) / (False, exception) when work is done


Queue a brunch of works and wait until all works are completed / error out

Parameters:works (iteratable of fn / (fn, args) / (fn, args, kwargs)) – An iteratable of possible functor form
Return type:list of {tuple} of bool,:class:object or bool,:class:Exception
Returns:A list of (True, return val) / (False, exception) when all works done

Shuthdown this thread pool

Parameters:no_wait (bool) – Set to True to return immediately without waiting for all workers to quit
class vmware.vapi.lib.thread_pool.WorkItem(fn, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Work item

Work item constructor

  • fn (function) – Work item functor
  • args (tuple) – Work item functor positional parameters
  • kwargs (dict) – Work item functor key-value parameters

Signal work item is done


Wait for work item is done

Parameters:timeout (float) – Timeout in seconds
Return type:object
Returns:Work item functor’s return value

visitor Module

Visitor helper class

class vmware.vapi.lib.visitor.VapiVisitor(suffix=None)[source]

Bases: object

Convenience class for visitors used in vAPI Python runtime

Initialize VapiVisitor

Parameters:suffix (str) – The suffix string that should be removed from class name during the dispatch

Dispatch the call to the appropriate method based on the type of the input argument

Parameters:value (object) – The object to be used for dispatch

workers_pool Module

Workers thread pool


get workers pool

Parameters:pool_tag (str) – workers pool tag
Return type:vmware.vapi.lib.thread_pool.ThreadPool
Returns:workers pool
